Certain food are good only at the right time. Taking them in the wrong time may cause other problems. Here are the best and worst time of taking certain food.
WORST TIME - MORNING - Can be heavy to digest and mess with your meal timings., unless a lot of exercise has been done.
BEST TIME - NIGHT- Gives a good sleepWORST TIME - MORNING - Can be heavy to digest and mess with your meal timings., unless a lot of exercise has been done.
BEST TIME - MORNING - Has the fiber pectin that helps in bowel movement and prevents constipation and also helps in avoiding carcinogens.
WORST TIME - EVENING / NIGHT - Lead to discomfort and would affect the digestive system.
BEST TIME - NOON - Helps in digestion and soothe heartburn.
WORST TIME - NIGHT - Eating banana at night can lead to mucus formation and cold.
BEST TIME- NOON- Help in digestion and reduce cholesterol level.
WORST TIME- MORNING- It would lead to increase in appetite and lead you to binge eat.
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